License How to cite ARCHAEOCYATHA Role in Cambrian Morphology Bibliography KNOWLEDGE-BASE Genera: 308 Groups: 10 Descriptors: 122 Properties INTERACTIVE KEY User guide Matching terminologies Glossary PUBLISHED KNOWLEDGE-BASE CONTRIBUTORS CONTACT Visitors: Last modified : 6 December 2012 |
- ARCHAEOCYATHA - User guide | |
User guide of the applicationUser guide will be updated soonExample of identification module XPER˛ interface is composed of three parts:
Different tools can be used to facilitate the identification:
Identification consists of the repetition of successive steps: Firstly, the choice of a descriptor Secondly, the choice of one or several states of the descriptors Finally a confirmation with the submit button. At each validation, lists of remaining and discarded taxa and list of possible descriptors are updated. More information: http://www.infosyslab.fr/lis/?q=en/resources/software/cai/xper2/documentation_en/FAQ_use#identification Adapted terminologyA classical diagnosis often follows this pattern:Outer wall + one complex descriptive term, inner wall + one complex descriptive term, type of radial structure +/- other intervallar structure (tabulae…) With such a structure, vocabulary homogenization is not adequate. Reconciling traditional morphological terms is necessary in character construction for databasing, descriptions should be standardized with basic descriptors only. Since one term of traditional terminology often implies several basic descriptors, each character is examined from all aspects and only basic descriptors are retained. Moreover, when basic descriptors are defined, these should be organized into groups with a similar morphology to make easy the identification. This new organization of descriptors means the appearance of new terms and the disappearance of some usual terms. (see From a traditional terminology to an adapted one) The main difference between the traditional terminology referring to archeocyathan and one adapted to a knowledge-base concerns the description of walls and their porosity. Walls We considered that a wall can be composed by one or two parts. The first one, always present, is named a carcass wall and the second is an additional wall. A carcass wall generally has perforations (pores or canals) and may have different structures: bumps (tumuli, putulae) or external plates (spines, bracts, scales, annuli). Additionnal walls group together the microporous sheaths, sieves formed by protrusions (compound walls: incipient pore subdivision and completely subdivided pores) and mesh (tabella, clathri, pseudoclathri). This new organization included all usual walls types apart from tabular walls that are considered to be linked to tabulae. Differences are summarized in these tables : Usual terminology of walls dissected into basic descriptors Usual terminology of walls pores dissected into basic descriptors Tabulae Tabulae have been subdivided into two descriptors: one describes their construction, the other the porosity of tabulae. Cross-reference table of tabulae terminology Modified terms Some terms are modified for different reasons in the knowledge base:
Some terms illustrating complex characters become useless after their division into basic descriptors: