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- ARCHAEOCYATHA - Bibliography


Bedford, R., & Bedford, J. 1936. Further notes on Cyathospongia (Archaeocyathi) and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Museum, Memoirs 3:21-26, pl. 21-26 (fig. 88-105).

Bedford, R., & Bedford, J. 1937. Further notes on Archaeos (Pleospongia) from the Lower Cambrian of South Australia. Kyancutta Museum, Memoirs 4:27-38, pl. 27-41 (fig. 106-159).

Bedford, R., & Bedford, J. 1939. Development and classification of Archaeos (Pleospongia). Kyancutta Museum, Memoirs 6:67-82, pl. 42-52 (fig. 160-212).

Bedford, R., & Bedford. W.R. 1934. New species of Archaeocyathinae and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Museum, Memoirs 1:1-7, pl. 1-6 (fig. 1-36).

Bedford, R., & Bedford. W.R. 1936. Further notes on Archaeocyathi (Cyathospongia) and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Museum, Memoirs 2:9-20, pl. 7-20 (fig. 37-87).

Belyaeva, G. V. 1969. Novye arkheotsiaty khrebta Dzhagdy (Dal'niy Vostok) [New archaeocyaths from the Dzhagdu Range (Far East)]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Palaeontology of Siberia and the Far East]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 86-98, 1 fig., pl. 34-38.

Belyaeva, G. V. 1974. Tumulovye arkheotsiaty [Tumulose archaeocyaths]. In I. T. Zhuravleva & A. Yu. Rozanov, eds., Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Evropy i Severnoy Azii [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Europe and Northern Asia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 113-123, pl. 3-5.

Belyaeva, G. V. 1996. Novye taksony arkheotsiat iz Zabaykal'ya [New archaeocyathan taxa from Transbaykalia]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (1):109-111, 1 fig.

Belyaeva, G. V., Luchinina, V. A., Nazarov, B. B. , Repina, L. N. & Sobolev L. P. 1975. Kembriyskaya fauna i flora khrebta Dzhagdy (Dal'niy Vostok) [Cambrian fauna and flora of the Dzhagdy Range (Far East)]. Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 226, 208 p., 14 fig., 51 pl.

Belyaeva, G. V., & Kexing, Y. 1995. Novye taksony arkheotsiat iz nizhnego kembriya tsentral'nogo Kitaya [New archaeocyathan taxa from the Lower Cambrian of central China]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (2):140-143, 1 fig.

Billings, E. 1861. New species of Lower Silurian fossils: on some new or little known species of Lower Silurian fossils from the Potsdam Group (Primordial zone). Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal. 24 p., 25 fig.

Bornemann, J. G. 1883. Paleontologische aus dem Cambrischen Gebiete von Canalgrande in Sardinien. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift 35:270-274.

Bornemann, J. G. 1884. [Bericht über die Fortsetzung seiner Untersuchungen cambrischer Archaeocyathus-Formen und verwandter Organismen von der Insel Sardinien]. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift 36:702-706.

Bornemann, J. G. 1886. Die Versteinerungen des Cambrischen Schichtensystems der Insel Sardinien nebst vergleichenden Untersuchungen über analoge Vorkommnisse aus andern Ländern. Erste Abt. iii. Archaeocyathinae. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 51(1):28-78, pl. 5-33.

Bornemann, J. G. 1891a. Die Versteinerungen des cambrischen Schichtensystem der Insel Sardinien. Zweite Abteilung. Nachschrift, III. Archaeocyathinae. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 56(1):495-500 (71-76), pl. 42-43.

Bornemann, J. G. 1891b. Die Versteinerungen des cambrischen Schichtensystem der Insel Sardinien. Zweite Abteilung. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 56(3):1-101 (424-525), pl. 35-40.

Borodina, N. P. 1974. Arkheotsiaty s reshetchatoy naruzhnoy stenkoy [Archaeocyaths with clathrate outer walls]. In I. T. Zhuravleva & A. Yu. Rozanov, eds., Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Evropy i Severnoy Azii [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Europe and Northern Asia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 138-166,16 fig., pl. 8-18.

Broili, F. 1915, Archaeocyathinae. In K. von Zittel, Grundzüge der Paläontologie, 4th ed. Oldenbourg. München, Berlin. p. 121.

Chernysheva, S. V. 1960. Tollicyathus - novyy rod arkheotsiat [Tollicyathus - a new genus of archaeocyaths]. Sibirskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineral'nogo Syr'ya, Trudy 8:77-78, pl. 4.

Chudinova, I. I. 1959. O nakhodke konulyarii v nizhnem kembrii Zapadnykh Sayan [On the find of a conulariid in the Lower Cambrian of Western Sayan]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (2):53-55, 2 fig., pl. 1.

Cooper, G. A., Arellano, A. R. V., Johnson, J. H., Okulitch, V. J., Stoyanow, A. & Lochman, C. 1952. Cambrian stratigraphy and paleontology near Caborca, northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 119(1):vi+184 p., 7 fig., 31 pl.

Datsenko, V. A., Zhuravleva, I. T., Lazarenko, N. P., Popov, Yu. N. & Chernysheva, N. E. 1968. Biostratigrafiya i fauna kembriyskikh otlozheniy severo-zapada Sibirskoy Platformy [Biostratigraphy and fauna of the Cambrian deposits of the northwestern Siberian Platform]. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Geologii Arktiki, Trudy 155:213 p., 23 pl.; Atlas: 47 fig., 13 tab.

Debrenne, F. 1958. Sur quelques Archaeocyatha du Jebel Taïssa (Anti-Atlas occidental). Service des Mines et de Carte Géologique du Maroc, Notes et Mémoires 16(143):59-67, 2 fig., 3 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1959a. Un nouveau genre d'Archaeocyatha du Cambrien marocain. Société Géologique de France, Comptes Rendus Sommaires des Séances 1959(1):14-15, 1 fig.

Debrenne, F. 1959b. Archaeocyatha des lentilles calcaires de Tazemmourt (Anti-Atlas). Service des Mines et de Carte Géologique du Maroc, Notes et Mémoires 18(147):7-26, 5 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1960. Deux nouveaux genres d'Archaeocyathidés du Cambrien marocain. Société Géologique de France, Comptes Rendus Sommaires des Séances 1960(5):118, 2 fig.

Debrenne, F. 1961. Nouvelles données sur la faune d'Archaeocyatha du Jbel Taissa (Anti-Atlas occidental). Service des Mines et de Carte Géologique du Maroc, Notes et Mémoires 20(152):7-37, 6 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1963, Archaeocyatha d'Espagne. Etude des collections allemandes. In Debrenne, F., & F. Lotze, Die Archaeocyatha des spanischen Kambriums. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse 1963(2):123-143, 5 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1964, Archaeocyatha - contribution à l'étude des faunes cambriennes du Maroc, de Sardaigne et de France. Service des Mines et de Carte Géologique du Maroc, Notes et Mémoires 179(1):265 p., 69 fig., 26 tab.; (2):52 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1969a. Lower Cambrian Archaeocyatha from the Ajax Mine, Beltana, South Australia. British Museum (Natural History), Bulletin, Geology 17(7):295-376, 15 fig., 18 pl.

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Debrenne, F. 1970a. A revision of Australian genera of Archaeocyatha. Royal Society of South Australia, Transactions 94:21-48, tab., 2 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1970b. Coscinocyathus Bornemann, 1884 (Archaeocyatha): proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers. Z.N.(S.) 1924. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 27:207-208.

Debrenne, F. 1971. Nouvelles données sur la faune d'Archéocyathes de Sardaigne: Société Géologique de France, Comptes Rendus Sommaires des Séances 1971(34):193-194, 3 fig.

Debrenne, F. 1972. Nouvelle faune d'Archéocyathes de Sardaigne. Annales de Paléontologie (Invertébrés) 58:169-188, 1 fig., 2 tab., 5 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1973. Modifications de la porosité primaire de la muraille externe chez les archéocyathes réguliers. Annales de Paléontologie (Invertébrés) 59:3-24, 9 fig., 4 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1974a. Les archéocyathes irréguliers d'Ajax Mine (Cambrien inférieur, Australie du Sud). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, série 3 195:185-258, 39 fig., 3 tab.

Debrenne, F. 1974b. Anatomie et systématique des archéocyathes réguliers sans plancher d'Ajax Mine (Cambrien inférieur, Australie du Sud). Géobios 7:91-138, 3 fig., pl. 19-28.

Debrenne, F. 1974c. K revizii roda Paranacyathus Bedford R. et W. R., 1937 [On the revision of the genus Paranacyathus Bedford R. et W. R., 1937]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, & A. Yu. Rozanov, eds., Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Evropy i Severnoy Azii [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Europe and Northern Asia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 167-178, 2 fig., pl.19-22.

Debrenne, F. 1975. Archaeocyatha provenant de blocs erratiques des Tillites de Dwyka (Afrique du Sud). Annals of the South African Museum 67:331-361, 11 fig., 1 tab.

Debrenne, F. 1977a. Archéocyathes du Jbel Irhoud (Jebilets - Maroc). Société Géologique et Minéralogique de Bretagne, Bulletin, série C 7:93-136, 8 fig., 3 tab., 14 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1977b. Diplocyathellus new name for the archeocyathid Diplocyathus Debrenne, 1974, not Allman, 1888. Journal of Paleontology 51:1222.

Debrenne, F. 1987. Archaeocyatha from Mexico in the Smithsonian Institution. New data from recent collectings: Géobios 20:267-273, 1 pl.

Debrenne, F. 1991. Morphogenèse et systématique des Archaeocyatha (spongiaires, Cambrien inférieur). Géobios 13:217-222, 3 fig.

Debrenne, F., Debrenne, M. & Rozanov, A. Yu. 1976. On the simultaneous presence of synapticulae and tabulae in regular archaeocyathids: Géobios 9:101-105, 1 pl.

Debrenne, F., Gandin, A. & Debrenne M. 1993. Calcaires à archéocyathes du Membre de la Vallée de Matoppa (Formation de Nebida), Cambrien inférieur du sud-ouest de la Sardaigne (Italie). Annales de Paléontologie (Vertébrés-Invertébrés) 79:77-118, 4 fig., 1 tab., 6 pl.

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Debrenne, F., & James, N. P. 1981. Reef-associated archaeocyathans from the Lower Cambrian of Labrador and Newfoundland. Palaeontology 24:343-378, 6 fig., pl. 48-55.

Debrenne, F., & Zhiwen, J. 1989. Archaeocyathan fauna from the Lower Cambrian of Yunnan (China). Société Géologique de France, Bulletin 5:819-828, 3 fig., 2 pl.

Debrenne F. & Kerner A. (2006). Actualité des Archaeocyatha : état des recherches en cours. In 21ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Dijon, Société Géologique de France, p.29.

Debrenne, F., & P. D. Kruse. 1986. Shackleton Limestone archaeocyaths. Alcheringa 10:235-278, 35 fig., 4 tab.

Debrenne, F., & P. D. Kruse. 1989. Cambrian Antarctic archaeocyaths. In J. A. Crame, ed., Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota. Geological Society Special Publication 47:15-28, 5 fig., 1 tab.

Debrenne, F., P. D. Kruse, & Zhang Sengui. 1991. An Asian compound archaeocyath. Alcheringa 15:285-291, 5 fig.

Debrenne, F. & Prieur, A., 1981. Computerization of regular Archaeocyathan files. International symposium on conceptual methods in paleontology, Barcelona.

Debrenne, F., & A. Yu. Rozanov. 1972. O kol'tsevykh strukturakh naruzhnykh stenok arkheotsiat [On annular structures in archaeocyathan outer walls]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy Biostratigrafii i Paleontologii Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri [Problems of Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Siberia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 235-237, pl.42-44.

Debrenne, F., A. Yu. Rozanov, & G.F. Webers. 1984. Upper Cambrian Archaeocyatha from Antarctica. Geological Magazine 121:291-299, 6 fig.

Debrenne, F., Rozanov A. Yu., & Zhuravlev, A. 1990. Regular Archaeocyaths. Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Cahiers de Paléontologie. &Paris. 218 p., 68 fig., 9 tab., 32pl.

Debrenne, F. & Vacelet, J., 1984. Archaeocyatha: is the sponge model consistent with their structural organization? 4th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria, 358-369.

Debrenne, F., & Wood, R. 1990. A new Cambrian sphinctozoan sponge from North America, its relationship to archaeocyaths and the nature of early sphinctozoans. Geological Magazine 127:435-443, 5 fig., 1 tab.

Debrenne, F., & Zhuravlev, A. 1990. New irregular archaeocyath taxa: Géobios 23:299-305, 1 pl.

Debrenne, F., & Zhuravlev, A. 1992a. Les calicules, structure intervallaire chaetétide chez les archéocyathes irréguliers. Géobios 25:595-598, 1 fig., 1 pl.

Debrenne, F., & Zhuravlev, A. 1992b. Irregular Archaeocyaths. Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Cahiers de Paléontologie. Paris. 212 p., 52 fig., 9 tab., 38 pl.

Debrenne, F., & Zhuravlev, A. 2000. New Cambrian archaeocyath taxa. Géobios 33:49-50.

Debrenne, F., Zhuravlev, A., & Gravestock, D.I. 1993. Etheridge collection: systematic revision of some of the first archaeocyaths discovered in Australia. Alcheringa 17:179-183, 4 fig., 1 tab.

Debrenne, F., Zhuravlev, A., & Kruse, P.D. 2002. Class Archaeocyatha Bornemann, 1884. Bibliography of Class Archaeocyatha. In J. N. A. Hooper, & R. W. M. van Soest, eds., Systema Porifera. A Guide to the Classification of Sponges. Volume 2. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. New York. p. 1539-1699, 75 fig.

Debrenne, F., Zhuravlev, A., & Rozanov, A. Yu. 1988. Novye rody pravil'nykh dnishchevykh i odnokamernykh arkheotsiat iz nizhnego kembriya Sibiri [New genera of regular tabulate and single-chambered archaeocyaths from the Lower Cambrian of Siberia]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (4):97-99, 1fig.

Debrenne, F., Zhuravlev, A., & Rozanov, A. Yu. 1989. Pravil'nye arkheotsiaty [Regular archaeocyaths]. Paleontologicheskiy Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 233, 199 p., 70 fig., 7 tab., 32 pl.

Duncan, P. M., & Thomson, J. 1867. On Cyclocyathus, a new genus of the Cyathophyllidae with remarks on the genus Aulophyllum. Geological Society of London, Proceedings 170:1 [Also in Geological Magazine 4:416-417].

Etheridge, R. Jr. 1890. On some Australian species of the family Archaeocyathinae. Royal Society of South Australia, Transactions 13:10-22, pl.2-3.

Fonin, V. D. 1963. K poznaniyu tenial'nykh arkheotsiat Altae-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Contribution to knowledge of taenial archaeocyaths from the Altay-Sayan fold region]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (4):14-29, 8 fig., pl. 3.

Fonin, V. D. 1983. Novye nepravil'nye arkheotsiaty iz nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy severo-zapadnoy Mongolii [New irregular archaeocyaths from the Lower Cambrian deposits of northwestern Mongolia]. Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya, Trudy 20:11-14, pl. 2.

Fonin, V. D. 1985. Tenial'nye arkheotsiaty Altae-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Taenial archaeocyaths of the Altay-Sayan fold region]. Paleontologicheskiy Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 209, 144 p., 24 fig., 2 tab., 32 pl.

Ford, S. W. 1873a. On some new species of fossils from the Primordial or Potsdam Group of Rensselaer county, N.Y. (Lower Potsdam). American Journal of Science and Arts, Series 3 5:211-215, 3 fig.

Ford, S. W. 1873b. Remarks on the distribution of fossils in the Lower Postdam rocks at Troy, N.Y., with a description of four new species. American Journal of Science and Arts, Series 3 6:134-140, 2 fig.

Ford, S. W. 1878. Descriptions of two new species of Primordial fossils. American Journal of Science and Arts, Series 3 15:124-127, 1 fig.

Gandin, A. & Debrenne, F., 2010. Distribution of the archaeocyath-calcimicrobial bioconstructions on the Early Cambrian shelves. Palaeoworld, 19(3-4), 222-241.

Gandin A., Debrenne F. and Debrenne M. 2007. Anatomy of the Early Cambrian 'La Sentinella' reef complex, Serra Scoris, SW Sardinia, Italy. Geological Society, London, Special Publications vol.275: 29-50.

Gordon, W. T. 1920. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-04: Cambrian organic remains from a dredging in the Weddell Sea. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Transactions 52:681-714, 2 fig., 7 pl.

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Gravestock, D. I. 1984. Archaeocyatha from lower parts of the Lower Cambrian carbonate sequence in South Australia. Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, Memoir 2:139 p., 64 fig., 1 tab.

Greggs, R. G. 1959. Archaeocyatha from the Colville and Salmo areas of Washington and British Columbia. Journal of Paleontology 33:63-75, pl.11-14.

Handfield, R. C. 1967. A new Lower Cambrian Archaeocyatha? Journal of Paleontology 41:209-212, 1 fig., 1 tab., pl. 23.

Handfield, R. C. 1971. Archaeocyatha from the Mackenzie and Cassiar Mountains, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 201:119 p., 11 fig., 6 tab., 16 pl.

Hicks, M., & Rowland, S.M. 2009. Early Cambrian microbial reefs, archaeocyathan inter-reef communities, and associated facies of the Yangtze Platform. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281 (1-2) (octobre 1): 137-153. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.07.018.

Hill, D. 1964a. Archaeocyatha from the Shackleton Limestone of the Ross System, Nimrod Glacier area, Antarctica. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Geology 2:137-146, 1 text-fig., 8 fig.

Hill, D. 1964b. The phylum Archaeocyatha. Biological Reviews 39:232-258, 6 fig., 1 tab., 1 pl.

Hill, D. 1964c. Archaeocyatha from loose material at Plunket Point at the head of Beardmore Glacier. In R. J. Adie, ed., Antarctic Geology. North-Holland. Amsterdam. p. 609-622, 4 fig.

Hill, D. 1965. Archaeocyatha from Antarctica and a review of the phylum. Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Scientific Reports 10 (Geology 3), 151 p., 25 fig., 12 pl.

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Hinde, G. J. 1889. On Archaeocyathus, Billings, and on other genera, allied to or associated with it, from the Cambrian strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland. Geological Society of London, Quarterly Journal 45:125-148, pl. 5.

Kashina, L.N. 1979. Morfologiya i sistematika arkheotsiat nadsemeystva Erbocyathacea [Morphology and systematics of archaeocyaths of the superfamily Erbocyathacea]. Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 406:40-57, 4 fig., 9 tab., pl. 3-10.

Khalfina, V. K. 1960. Stromatoporoidei iz kembriyskikh otlozheniy Sibiri [Stromatoporoids of the Cambrian deposits of Siberia]. Sibirskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineral'nogo Syr'ya, Trudy 8:79-83, pl. 5-7.

Konyushkov, K. N. 1967. Novye dannye po arkheotsiatam gor Agyrek severo-vostochnogo Kazakhstana [New data on the archaeocyaths of Mt Agyrek in northeastern Kazakhstan]. Vsesoyuzniy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Geologicheskiy Institut, Trudy, n. ser. 129:104-113, 1 fig., pl. 1.

Konyushkov, K. N. 1972. Novye dannye po biostratigrafii kembriya i arkheotsiatam Zapadnogo Sayana [New data on Cambrian biostratigraphy and archaeocyaths of West Sayan]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy Biostratigrafii i Paleontologii Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri [Problems of Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Siberia]. Nauka. Moscow. p.124-143, 1 tab., pl. 11-17.

Korshunov, V. I. 1972. Biostratigrafiya i Arkheotsiaty Nizhnego Kembriya Severo-Vostoka Aldanskoy Anteklizy [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Archaeocyaths of the Northeastern Aldan Anteclise]. Yakutskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel'stvo. Yakutsk. 128 p., 5 fig., 24 pl.

Korshunov, V. I. 1976. Novye predstaviteli podotryada Coscinocyathina iz nizhnego kembriya yuga Sibirskoy Platformy [New representatives of the suborder Coscinocyathina from the Lower Cambrian of the southern Siberian Platform]. Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 296:149-150, pl. 13.

Korshunov, V. I., & Zhuravleva, I. T. 1967. Novye vidy arkheotsiat iz nizhnego kembriya Yakutii [New archaeocyath species from the Lower Cambrian of Yakutiya]. In A. B. Ivanovskiy, & B. S. Sokolov, eds., Novye Dannye po Biostratigrafii Nizhnego Paleozoya Sibirskoy Platformy [New Data on the Lower Paleozoic Biostratigraphy of the Siberian Platform]. Nauka. Novosibirsk. p.3-11, 2 fig., pl. 1-2.

Kotel'nikov, D. V. 1995. Novye vidy arkheotsiat nizhnekembriyskogo Vadi-Balinskogo organogennogo kompleksa (tsentral'naya Tuva) [New archaeocyath species from the Lower Cambrian of the Vadi-Bala organogenic complex (central Tuva)]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (2):21-29, fig. 1, pl. 2.

Krasnopeeva, P. S. 1937. Vodorosli i arkheotsiaty drevneyshikh tolshch Potekhinskogo plansheta Khakassii [Algae and archaeocyaths from the oldest formations of the Potekhino district of Khakassia]. In M. A. Usov, ed., Materialy po Geologii Krasnoyarskogo Kraya [Materials on the Geology of the Krasnoyarsk Region] 3:1-51, 8 fig., 3 tab., 8 pl. Zapadno-Sibirskiy Geologicheskiy Trest'. Tomsk.

Krasnopeeva, P. S. 1953. Osobennosti kameshkovskogo kompleksa arkheotsiat v fatsii effuzivno-osadochnykh otlozheniy na primere arkheotsiat zapadnoi chasti Tuvy [Features of the Kameshkian archaeocyathan complex in the facies of effusive-sedimentary deposits exemplified by the archaeocyaths of the western part of Tuva]. Tomskiy Gosudarstvenniy Universitet, Trudy 124, ser. geol.:51-62, I tab., 4 pl.

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Krasnopeeva, P. S. 1961. Novye arkheotsiaty iz obruchevskogo gorizonta Altae-Sayanskoy oblasti [New archaeocyaths from the Obruchev horizon of the Altay-Sayan region]. Sibirskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineral'nogo Syr'ya, Trudy 5:247-253, 1 fig., 4 pl.

Kruse, P. D. 1978. New Archaeocyatha from the Early Cambrian of the Mt. Wright area, New South Wales. Alcheringa 2:27-47, 12 fig., 8 tab.

Kruse, P. D. 1982. Archaeocyathan biostratigraphy of the Gnalta Group at Mt. Wright, New South Wales. Palaeontographica A 177:129-212, 21 fig., 16 pl.

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Zhuravleva, I. T. 1963a. Novye dannye ob arkheotsiatakh vostochnogo sklona yuzhnogo Urala [New data on the archaeocyaths of the eastern flank of the southern Urals]. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal (4):116-118, 2 fig.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1963b. Arkheotsiaty Sibiri. Odnostennye arkheotsiaty (otryady Monocyathida i Rhizacyathida) [Archeocyaths of Siberia. One-walled archaeocyaths (orders Monocyathida and Rhizacyathida)]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Moscow. 139 p., 68 fig., 22 tab., 12 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1965. Arkheotsiaty verkhnego podotdela nizhnego kembriya severa Baykal'skogo nagor'ya (solontsovskiy i obruchevskiy gorizonty) [Archaeocyaths of the upper subdivision of the Lower Cambrian of the northern Baykal highlands (Solontsov and Obruchev horizons)]. In B. S. Sokolov, ed., Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya paleozoya Aziatskoy chasti SSSR [Paleozoic stratigraphy and paleontology of the Asian part of the USSR]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 3-12, 5 fig., 2 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1972a. Rannekembriyskie fatsial'nye kompleksy arkheotsiat (r. Lena, srednee techenie) [Early Cambrian facies assemblages of archaeocyaths (middle Lena River)]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy Biostratigrafii i Paleontologii Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri [Problems of Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Siberia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 31-109, 37 fig., 46 tab., pl. 3-8.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1972b. O novom rode Iljinicyathus iz nizhnego kembriya Mongolii [On the new genus Iljinicyathus from the Lower Cambrian of Mongolia]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy Biostratigrafii i Paleontologii Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri [Problems of Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Siberia]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 155-156, pl. 21.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1974a. Katalog rodov arkheotsiat. Chast' 1 [Catalogue of archaeocyath genera. Part 1]. Nauka. Novosibirsk. 228 p., 69 fig.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1974b. Katalog rodov arkheotsiat. Chast' 2 [Catalogue of archaeocyath genera. Part 2]. Nauka. Novosibirsk. 215 p., 49 fig.

Zhuravleva, I. T. 1980. O nakhodke novoy formy odnostennykh arkheotsiat s dopolnitel'no poristym karkasom (Butakovicyathus butakovi gen. et sp. nov.) [On the discovery of a new form of one-walled archaeocyath with supplementary porous carcass (Butakovicyathus butakovi gen. et sp. nov.)]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Kembriy Altae-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Cambrian of the Altay-Sayan Fold Belt]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 174-176, pl. 30.

Zhuravleva, I. T., & Elkina, V. N. 1974. Arkheotsiaty Sibiri. Etmofilloidnye arkheotsiaty [Archaeocyaths of Siberia. Ethmophylloid archaeocyaths]. Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 230: 167 p., 33 fig., 15 tab., 29 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T., & Fonin, V. D. 1983. Klass Irregularia [Class Irregularia]. Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 558:47-53, pl. 17-20.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Konyaeva, I. A., Osadchaya, D. V. & Boyarinov, A. S. 1997a. Biostratigraphy of the Kiya River section. Early Cambrian archaeocyaths and spicular sponges from the Kiya River section (Kuznetsk Alatau). Annales de Paléontologie (Vertébrés-Invertébrés) 83:3-92, 1 fig., 2 tab., 12 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Konyaeva, I. A., Osadchaya, D. V. & Boyarinov, A. S. 1997b. Biostratigraphy of the Kiya River section. Early Cambrian archaeocyaths and spicular sponges from the Kiya River section (Kuznetsk Alatau). Annales de Paléontologie (Vertébrés-Invertébrés) 83:115-200, 1 fig., 1 tab., 14 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Konyushkov, K. N. & Rozanov, A. Yu. 1964. Arkheostiaty Sibiri. Dvustennye arkheotsiaty [Archaeocyaths of Siberia. Two-walled archaeocyaths]. Nauka. Moscow. 132 p., 75 fig., 12 tab., 16 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Korshunov, V. I. & Rozanov, A. Yu. 1969. Atdabanskiy yarus i ego obosnovanie po arkheotsiatam v stratotipicheskom razreze [The Atdabanian stage and its significance based on the archaeocyaths of the stratotype section]. In I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka [Lower Cambrian Biostratigraphy and Palaeontology of Siberia and the Far East]. Nauka. Moscow. p. 5-59, 1 fig., 3 tab., pl. 1-25.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Krasnopeeva, P. S. & Chernysheva, S. V. 1960. Tip Archaeocyathi. Arkheotsiati [Phylum Archaeocyathi. Archaeocyaths]. Sibirskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineral'nogo Syr'ya, Trudy 19:97-140, fig. 19-38, pl. Cm1-Cm12.

Zhuravleva, I. T., Repina, L. N. & Khomentovskiy, V. V. 1967. Skhema biostratigraficheskogo raschleneniya nizhnego kembriya Sayano-Altayskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Scheme for the Lower Cambrian biostratigraphic subdivision of the Sayan-Altay Fold Belt]. In B. M. Keller, D. I. Musatov, & B. S. Sokolov, eds., Stratigrafiya dokembriya i kembriya sredney Sibiri [Stratigraphy of the Precambrian and Cambrian of central Siberia]. Krasnoyarsk Press. Krasnoyarsk. p. 131-136, fig? tab? pl?

Zhuravleva, I. T., Zadorozhnaya, N. M., Osadchaya, D. V., Pokrovskaya, N. V., Rodionova, N. M. & Fonin, V. D. 1967. Fauna nizhnego kembriya Tuvy (opornyy razrez r. Shivelig-Khem) [Fauna of the Lower Cambrian of Tuva (key section, River Shivelig-Khem)]. Nauka. Moscow. 181 p., 39 fig., 13 tab., 70 pl.

Zhuravleva, I. T., & Zelenov, K. K. 1955. Biogermy pestrotsvetnoy svity Reki Leny [Bioherms of the Pestrotsvet Suite of the River Lena]. Paleontologicheskiy Institut, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy 56:57-77, 8 fig., 2 tab., 2 pl.
