Descriptor : Type of vertical intervallar structures

Descriptor type : categorical

Vertical intervallar structures: Longitudinal and often radial structures inside the intervallum (septa, taeniae...).

Intervallum: Space enclosed between the walls.


Septum (plur. septa): Planar porous partition linking both walls of a two-walled cup with a radial-longitudinal distribution


Pseudoseptum: Planar or slightly waved irregularly porous partition linking both walls of a two-walled cup with a radial-longitudinal distribution.


Taenia (plur. taeniae): Intervallar porous structure, non-planar, often dichotomous with a radial-longitudinal distribution.


Dictyonal network

Dictyonal network: Three-dimensional intervallar structure composed by taeniae with tetragonal pores linked by synapticulae at each interpore.

Taenia (plur. taeniae): Intervallar porous structure, non-planar, often dichotomous with a radial-longitudinal distribution.

Synapticula (plur. synapticulae): Narrow horizontal rod linking two adjacent vertical intervallar structures.

isn't included in the term


Vertical intervallar structures
 |_ Type of vertical intervallar structures