Descriptor : Repartition of carcass pores (OW/SW)

Descriptor type : categorical

Pore: Simple perforation of any skeletal structure. Pore diameter is greater than thickness of the structure.

Carcass: Part of wall on intervallum side.

OW: Outer wall.

SW: Single wall.


Repartition of carcass pores (OW/SW)

Regular repartition

Regular repartition: Pores covered the whole wall.

Irregular repartition

Irregular repartition: Pores covering partially the wall.

Independant from the vertical intervallar structures

Vertical intervallar structures: Longitudinal and often radial structures inside the intervallum (septa, taeniae...).

Intervallum: Space enclosed between the walls.


Independant from the vertical intervallar structures


Carcass perforations: outer wall or single wall (OW/SW)
 |_ Repartition of carcass pores (OW/SW)
    |_ Repartition types of carcass pores (OW/SW) {Irregular repartition , Independant from the vertical intervallar structures}

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