Descripteur : Rows number of carcass perforations per intersept (OW/SW)

Type du descripteur : categorical

Intersept: Part of a wall or intervallum between two adjacent radial vertical structures (septa, taeniae...).

Carcass: Part of wall on intervallum side.

OW: Outer wall.

SW: Single wall.


Rows number of carcass perforations per intersept (OW/SW)

Stirrup perforations only

Stirrup perforations: Perforation in front of each vertical intervalar structure.

NB: Transverse section resembles stirrup.

1 row per intersept only

2 AND more than 2 rows per intersept

Some intersepts have 2 rows of pores, others have more than 2.

More than 2 rows per intersept only

Each intersept has more than 2 rows of pores.

No vertical intervallar element

Vertical intervallar structures: Longitudinal and often radial structures inside the intervallum (septa, taeniae...).

Intervallum: Space enclosed between the walls.


Type of carcass perforations: outer wall or single wall (OW/SW)
 |_ Rows number of carcass perforations per intersept (OW/SW)