Descriptor : Repartition of vertical intervallar structures pores

Descriptor type : categorical

Vertical intervallar structures: Longitudinal and often radial structures inside the intervallum (septa, taeniae...).

Intervallum: Space enclosed between the walls.


Aporous: No pore.



Sparsely porous

Sparsely porous: Rare pores irregularly distributed.


Sparsely porous


Sparsely porous

Completely porous

Completely porous: Pores distributed frequently and uniformly.


Completely porous


Completely porous

One row of pores per vertical structure

NB: A single longitudinal row of pores of diameter subequal to intervallum width.


One row of pores per vertical structure


One row of pores per vertical structure

Pores restricted to outer wall area


Pores restricted to outer wall area


Pores restricted to outer wall area


Vertical intervallar structures
 |_ Repartition of vertical intervallar structures pores

Belongs to the groups